Category page for droid

sbs 2008 activesync iphone14 Jan 2010
SBS 2008 activesync iPhone resolved
We hear the story all the time….
iPhone Exchange setup is so easy! If it were so easy then why are there so many blog posts and Apple iPhone forum entries on this subject? Anyone can setup “tent” and claim to be an iPhone Expert, but they rely on TECHNOKOZ to solve their issues. It is flattering to know that our unique expertise is a market necessity.
Flat Rate $175 – iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
Our initial attempts to sync to the native exchange application in Android on the Droid device resulted in a blank screen…. Was it worth it for the time I ultimately saved trying to figure it out on my own? Absolutely.
TechnoKOZ Exchange ActiveSync Customer of the Week:
Dan Henry of Land Surveyors, Asheville, NC
Our service area is a strong Verizon market and for years we had been using Palm Treo devices to synchronize with our exchange server utilizing verizon’s wirelesssync service. When the Motorola Droid came out, it looked like a great replacement device, but our initial attempts to sync to the native exchange application in Android on the Droid device resulted in a blank screen. I knew from looking at various forums and blogs that others were able to get their Exchange 2003 servers to connect to the Droid, but ours would not. I spent a few hours looking into what settings needed to be changed to enable this functionality, but there was a lack of complete and clear documentation on what to do. It was clearly not a simple problem to fix. I sought help locally, but still did not get the sync to work. We waited for the December update on the Droid to see if Motorola had ingeniously fixed the problem, but it didn’t happen. The problem had to be on *our* end of the Droid-Exchange sync. I ran across Robert’s TechnoKoz site and though I was initially skeptical , I decided to contact them, after verifying their reputation through LinkedIn. After contacting them and describing the problem, he knew just what to do. Robert was remoted into the heart of the matter in no time and within literally 20 minutes (and dozens of settings checked and verified that I would have never figured out in days of Googling) he had our test Droid syncing to the Exchange server, paving the way for us to adopt it as our new dataphone. Did we spend $175. Yes. Was it worth it for the time I ultimately saved trying to figure it out on my own? Absolutely.
Save time and money! Call TechnoKOZ today!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning Windows Mobile, Palm Pre, Droid, iPhone & Exchange sync.
… End your sync pain today, TECHNOKOZ will deliver the results you are looking for.

Droid Sync Fails15 Dec 2009
Sync Fails: Droid Exchange Activesync Setup
We are receiving many calls regarding the new Android (Motorola) firmware, where people state activesync (Email, Contacts, Calendar) on the phone was working perfectly, before the latest firmware push. Search engines have been buzing with users trying to figure out why the new Verizon Droid cannot connect to their Exchange 2010/2007/2003 servers.
TechnoKOZ can quickly fix these issues and we will be open all week long. Please give us a call today, if you want the Bling Bling feeling back into your life!
We admit, Microsoft Exchange 2003 & Exchange 2007 is not the easiest to configure Verizon Droid activesync to where you see all of your email, contacts, and calendar. 98% of our callers only see the word “inbox” and no emails when contacting us. YES, they just have a useless “rock” in their pocket.
Flat Rate Droid Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) Droid Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning Droid & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL droid exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. We have received many difficult problems to our support center. Enterprise Exchange [Front-end / Back-end Exchange Servers], Cluster Exchange servers, ISA [2000, 2004, 2006] integration with exchange back-end. IIS 5.0 [Windows 2000 with Exchange 2003] to name a few.
We don’t list the above scenarios just to improve our google rankings. We are not selling any ‘pay per click’ Adwords. We would love the chance to solve your sync issue today. So what are you waiting for? Open an droid support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

How To Set Up iPhone Exchange Activesync1 Dec 2009
There are many iPhone Activesync Exchange Permission problems.
We hear the common theme all the time… “We never get stumped.“, “This iPhone Exchange setup should be easy.“, “I solve all of my problems.“, “When is apple going to fix the iPhone Exchange issues.“.
These iPhone Exchange users are not alone in their fight to solve all of these iPhone Exchange sync issues. Yet, what you don’t typically hear is the excitement after TECHNOKOZ solves their Exchange iPhone sync issues. The usual statements are: “I would have never figured that out.“, “The best $175.00 paid in a longtime.“, “You were awesome.“, “How did you know that this would fix my problem.”
There are always two sides to every Exchange – iPhone Setup problem.
The side that knows the value of their time and wants the EXPERTS to SOLVE the problem. or the other who trusts all of these crazy blog posts that suggest many dead-end solutions that could potentially create an even worse day!
TECHNOKOZ customer of the day:
Bradley Fraley of the City of Watauga, Texas, which by the way is second most affordable place to live in the nation in 2008.
We spent over two weeks trying to resolve our sync issues with ISA 2000 and Exchange 2003. Robert fixed our problem for us in less than 30 minutes.
When I first looked at their site, I was skeptical, but it was without a doubt the best $$$ I spent having them help us. There is no way I would have ever found the solution on my own even though I myself have been in the business 15+ years and normally can resolve everything thrown my way.
Thanks for your help Robert, it was definitely worth it.
Do what Bradley did, Give us a call today!
We love the chance to speak with you and explain our process. You will not regret making the call.
TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the iPhone is working.
Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

unable to open connection to server28 Nov 2009
unable to open connection to server
Recent callers have been complaining that they are receiving the message “unable to open connection to server”. Some thought that Motorola would have a fix for this issue. This is not the case. The issue resides on the exchange server. Yet, many people continue to search for reasons why their new Android (Verizon Droid) cannot connect to their Microsoft Exchange 2007 & Exchange 2003 server.
We will be open all week long. We are still receiving numerous calls regarding these Droid and Exchange issues. Please give us a call today, if you want the Bling Bling feeling back into your life!
We admit, Microsoft Exchange 2003 & Exchange 2007 is not the easiest to configure Verizon Droid activesync to where you see all of your email, contacts, and calendar. 98% of our callers only see the word “inbox” and no emails when contacting us. YES, they just have a useless “rock” in their pocket.
Flat Rate Droid Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) Droid Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning Droid & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL droid exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. We have received many difficult problems to our support center. Enterprise Exchange [Front-end / Back-end Exchange Servers], Cluster Exchange servers, ISA [2000, 2004, 2006] integration with exchange back-end. IIS 5.0 [Windows 2000 with Exchange 2003] to name a few.
We don’t list the above scenarios just to improve our google rankings. We are not selling any ‘pay per click’ Adwords. We would love the chance to solve your sync issue today. So what are you waiting for? Open an droid support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

activesync iphone27 Nov 2009
activesync iphone FIXED!
The other day, we received a challenge request from a company in Oklahoma. They had been working on their Front-End / Back-End exchange setup for weeks trying to get activesync – iphone functioning. Like all callers to our support center, they had enough of the iphone setup pain! Within 1hour we had the first 5 iPhones [ of 150 ] syncing to their Exchange 2003 Enterprise server. It was “high-fives” for everyone!!!
Again, we will be open the entire weekend solving more Activesync iPhone issues over this long holiday weekend. We are sure you want to eliminate the “rock” in your pocket by contacting TECHNOKOZ today!
TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the iPhone is working.
Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

Droid iPhone Exchange Activesync Comparison24 Nov 2009
Droid – iPhone 3GS Exchange Activesync head-to-head
There are many Exchange 2003 – Exchange 2007 activesync mobile phones on the market now. Droid from Verizon is one of the many recently introduced that competes for the mobile sync $$$ against the big giants BlackBerry and Apple.
TechnoKOZ owns a Verizon Droid, BlackBerry, and many Apple iPhone 3GS mobile sync phones.
Droid Contacts
The Droid is amazing when mergingand handling of contacts to avoid duplicate entries. It is fantastic how it takes your existing exchange 2003/2007, facebook, and gmail contacts merging them into one single contact. This is the ingenious part where you select a particular contact, and you will see a Gmail, Exchange, and Facebook entry.
What’s uggly? The droid currently does not support Exchange 2003/2007 contact folders. So if you catorgorize your contacts via Folders, instead of using categories, you are at a huge loss! You will not be able to view these exchange contact folders!!
Droid Exchange Mail
Establishing an Exchange 2003 – Exchange 2007 connection with the droid is no easier than an Apple iPhone 3gS. Still the same quirks and setup issues with activesync. Both the droid and iPhone function similarly for exchange email.
What’s uggly?
Droid lacks the ability to handle embedded pictures in an email. Strange?! Not sure why you cannot view a particular email correctly. This will have to be fixed immediately.
Remember, TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone – Droid – Palm Pre, etc. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the mboile phone [iPhone, Droid, etc.] is working.
We will be open all week long. We are still receiving numerous calls regarding the new Droid and still many iPhone and Exchange issues. Please give us a call today, if you want the Bling Bling feeling back into your life!
Not only can we solve Exchange 2003 issues, but Exchange 2007 (Server 2008), as well. We do concede that Microsoft Exchange 2003 is not the easiest to configure iphone activesync to where you see all of your email, contacts, and calendar. 98% of our callers only see the word “inbox” and no emails when contacting us. YES, they just have a useless “rock” in their pocket.
Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. We have received many difficult problems to our support center. Enterprise Exchange [FrontEnd / BackEnd Exchange Servers], Cluster Exchange servers, ISA [2000, 2004, 2006] integration with exchange back-end. IIS 5.0 [Windows 2000 with Exchange 2003] to name a few.
We don’t list the above scenarios just to improve our google rankings. We are not selling any ‘pay per click’ Adwords. We would love the chance to solve your sync issue today. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.
Reasons why you should be calling us
We understand your desire to fix the sync issue by reading other google solutions. But, is it good use of your time? We have yet to disappoint a customer.
- Flat Rate $175.00 SOLUTION. This is not a gimmick and we are REAL Microsoft Engineers.
- We provide 100% money back guarantee.
- No passwords are ever required. Security remains with your organization.
- We are easy to do business with: We require no advance payment.
- There will be no server down time. No Interruptions.
- No server reboots.
- You see all changes. Work is performed remotely through a secure WebEx session.
- We are experienced and are careful as well. We take in account all of your existing software, such as BlackBerry Enterprise Servers and other Treo / Windows Mobile Devices.
- Solved Front – End and Back – End Exchange 2003 / Exchange 2007 configurations as well as, SBS (Small Business Server), Standard, and Enterprise Exchange servers issues.
- Remember, if we canэt sync your iPhone.. There is no payment!!!
We are still fixing more and more iPhone – Palm Pre – Droid activeysnc issues. Please give us a call today, if you want the Bling Bling feeling back into your life!
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