Best Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!

(pay after the phone and exchange are working)

  • Flat Rate $175.00
  • No Sync.. No payment
  • No advance payment.

activesync iphone27 Nov 2009


activesync iphone FIXED!

The other day, we received a challenge request from a company in Oklahoma.  They had been working on their Front-End / Back-End exchange setup for weeks trying to get activesync – iphone functioning. Like all callers to our support center, they had enough of the iphone setup pain!  Within 1hour we had the first 5 iPhones [ of 150 ] syncing to their Exchange 2003 Enterprise server.  It was “high-fives” for everyone!!!

Again, we will be open the entire weekend solving more Activesync iPhone issues over this long holiday weekend.  We are sure you want to eliminate the “rock” in your pocket by contacting TECHNOKOZ today!

  • TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the iPhone is working.



Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!



TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ

…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!

… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.


We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

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