sbs 2008 activesync iphone14 Jan 2010
SBS 2008 activesync iPhone resolved
We hear the story all the time….
iPhone Exchange setup is so easy! If it were so easy then why are there so many blog posts and Apple iPhone forum entries on this subject? Anyone can setup “tent” and claim to be an iPhone Expert, but they rely on TECHNOKOZ to solve their issues. It is flattering to know that our unique expertise is a market necessity.
Flat Rate $175 – iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
Our initial attempts to sync to the native exchange application in Android on the Droid device resulted in a blank screen…. Was it worth it for the time I ultimately saved trying to figure it out on my own? Absolutely.
TechnoKOZ Exchange ActiveSync Customer of the Week:
Dan Henry of Land Surveyors, Asheville, NC
Our service area is a strong Verizon market and for years we had been using Palm Treo devices to synchronize with our exchange server utilizing verizon’s wirelesssync service. When the Motorola Droid came out, it looked like a great replacement device, but our initial attempts to sync to the native exchange application in Android on the Droid device resulted in a blank screen. I knew from looking at various forums and blogs that others were able to get their Exchange 2003 servers to connect to the Droid, but ours would not. I spent a few hours looking into what settings needed to be changed to enable this functionality, but there was a lack of complete and clear documentation on what to do. It was clearly not a simple problem to fix. I sought help locally, but still did not get the sync to work. We waited for the December update on the Droid to see if Motorola had ingeniously fixed the problem, but it didn’t happen. The problem had to be on *our* end of the Droid-Exchange sync. I ran across Robert’s TechnoKoz site and though I was initially skeptical , I decided to contact them, after verifying their reputation through LinkedIn. After contacting them and describing the problem, he knew just what to do. Robert was remoted into the heart of the matter in no time and within literally 20 minutes (and dozens of settings checked and verified that I would have never figured out in days of Googling) he had our test Droid syncing to the Exchange server, paving the way for us to adopt it as our new dataphone. Did we spend $175. Yes. Was it worth it for the time I ultimately saved trying to figure it out on my own? Absolutely.
Save time and money! Call TechnoKOZ today!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning Windows Mobile, Palm Pre, Droid, iPhone & Exchange sync.
… End your sync pain today, TECHNOKOZ will deliver the results you are looking for.
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