Category page for Nokia E51

How To Set Up iPhone Exchange Activesync1 Dec 2009
There are many iPhone Activesync Exchange Permission problems.
We hear the common theme all the time… “We never get stumped.“, “This iPhone Exchange setup should be easy.“, “I solve all of my problems.“, “When is apple going to fix the iPhone Exchange issues.“.
These iPhone Exchange users are not alone in their fight to solve all of these iPhone Exchange sync issues. Yet, what you don’t typically hear is the excitement after TECHNOKOZ solves their Exchange iPhone sync issues. The usual statements are: “I would have never figured that out.“, “The best $175.00 paid in a longtime.“, “You were awesome.“, “How did you know that this would fix my problem.”
There are always two sides to every Exchange – iPhone Setup problem.
The side that knows the value of their time and wants the EXPERTS to SOLVE the problem. or the other who trusts all of these crazy blog posts that suggest many dead-end solutions that could potentially create an even worse day!
TECHNOKOZ customer of the day:
Bradley Fraley of the City of Watauga, Texas, which by the way is second most affordable place to live in the nation in 2008.
We spent over two weeks trying to resolve our sync issues with ISA 2000 and Exchange 2003. Robert fixed our problem for us in less than 30 minutes.
When I first looked at their site, I was skeptical, but it was without a doubt the best $$$ I spent having them help us. There is no way I would have ever found the solution on my own even though I myself have been in the business 15+ years and normally can resolve everything thrown my way.
Thanks for your help Robert, it was definitely worth it.
Do what Bradley did, Give us a call today!
We love the chance to speak with you and explain our process. You will not regret making the call.
TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the iPhone is working.
Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.
Activesync encountered a problem on the server. SUPPORT CODE: 0X85010014.
We are receiving many calls regarding various active-snc issues with iPhone & WM (Windows Mobile) devices. There are not many tools you can use to test Exchange 2003/2007 ACTIVESYNC issues.
By the way, we have again extended our hours to accommodate the holiday rush! We will be open 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. (EST) Monday – Saturday.
TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the iPhone is working.
Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.
We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

LG incite – Nokia n51 activesync26 May 2009
It appears that many LG incite and Nokia n51 owners are searching for Exchange ActiveSync setup help. TechnoKOZ is your answer.
Read through our various Microsoft Exchange Windows Mobile blog posts. You will quickly realize that there are many configuration issuesthat are preventing your new Nokia and LG phone from working correctly with your Microsoft 2003/2007 Exchange Server. We will quickly resolve your OMA Exchange Sync your issue(s) for a FLAT RATE FEE.
Call us today: 480-440-4650 Skype: TECHNOKOZ

"HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error"20 Apr 2009
Exchange iPhone Active-Sync setup problems are strange! Look at the error “HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error” . What does this mean!!
TechnoKOZ has your solution. We will get your iPhone 3G + Windows Mobile, LG Incite, Nokia E51 working with your Microsoft Windows 2003/2007 Exchange Server.
We continue to assist more IT Computer Repair Companies with their iPhone Exchange Sync Setup issues as well.
Give us a call today: 480-440-4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ

WM6.1 activesync 3g setup17 Apr 2009
TechnoKOZ is now solving more WM6.1 activesync 3g setup issues. We not only understand how to setup and configure NOKIA, Samsung, and LG Incite windows mobile phones, but Apple iPhone 3G.
So, are you tired of trying to solve these activesync issues by yourself, give us a call. We charge
a flat rate $175.00 and we do not charge unless we fix your active-sync issue.
TechnoKOZ Windows 2003/2007 Active-Sync Exchange Experts. 480-440-4650 // skype: TECHNOKOZ
So many Mail Security Products for your iPhone ActiveSync – Windows 2003 / Windows 2007 Server. The two leading products are Symantec’s Mail Security for Exchange & Trend Micro’s Worry-Free Business Security
Most say that both integrate “Perfectly” in an Exchange environment. However, TechnoKOZ begs to differ. If you want to save yourself hours of headaches, opt for an “EXTERNAL Appliance” or a Hosted Security Server product.
If you are experiencing activesync issues, please contact TECHNOKOZ today!!!
480-440-4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
Apple iPhone 3g, Microsoft Windows Mobile, Nokia E51, LG Incite, etc. ActiveSync Experts

Nokia E51 Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync30 Mar 2009
TechnoKOZ continues to solve not only Apple iPhone 3G ActiveSync – Exchange 2003/2007 issues, but other Windows Mobile platforms as well.
Here is some recent feedback from a customer from Denmark who wanted to let us know about his Nokia phone oma sync issues.
Hey TechnoKOZ,
Sync between Nokia E51-phones and exchange are now also running perfectly.
There are a lot of posts on the internet regarding problems with Nokia-phones and sync with exchange……
Med venlig hilsen
We can fix your issues for a FLAT RATE $175.00 and we do not charge unless your problem is fixed!!!
Call us today: 480-440-4650 // Skype: TECHNOKOZ
Reasons why you should be calling us
We understand your desire to fix the sync issue by reading other google solutions. But, is it good use of your time? We have yet to disappoint a customer.
- Flat Rate $175.00 SOLUTION. This is not a gimmick and we are REAL Microsoft Engineers.
- We provide 100% money back guarantee.
- No passwords are ever required. Security remains with your organization.
- We are easy to do business with: We require no advance payment.
- There will be no server down time. No Interruptions.
- No server reboots.
- You see all changes. Work is performed remotely through a secure WebEx session.
- We are experienced and are careful as well. We take in account all of your existing software, such as BlackBerry Enterprise Servers and other Treo / Windows Mobile Devices.
- Solved Front – End and Back – End Exchange 2003 / Exchange 2007 configurations as well as, SBS (Small Business Server), Standard, and Enterprise Exchange servers issues.
- Remember, if we canэt sync your iPhone.. There is no payment!!!
We are still fixing more and more iPhone – Palm Pre – Droid activeysnc issues. Please give us a call today, if you want the Bling Bling feeling back into your life!
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