Best Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!

(pay after the phone and exchange are working)

  • Flat Rate $175.00
  • No Sync.. No payment
  • No advance payment.


There are many iPhone Activesync Exchange Permission problems.

We hear the common theme all the time… “We never get stumped.“,  “This iPhone Exchange setup should be easy.“, “I solve all of my problems.“, “When is apple going to fix the iPhone Exchange issues.“. 

These iPhone Exchange users are not alone in their fight to solve all of these iPhone Exchange sync issues.  Yet, what you don’t typically hear is the excitement after TECHNOKOZ solves their Exchange iPhone sync issues.  The usual statements are:  “I would have never figured that out.“, “The best $175.00 paid in a longtime.“, “You were awesome.“,  “How did you know that this would fix my problem.


There are always two sides to every Exchange – iPhone Setup problem.


The side that knows the value of their time and wants the EXPERTS to SOLVE the problem.  or the other who trusts all of these crazy blog posts that suggest many dead-end solutions that could potentially create an even worse day!


TECHNOKOZ customer of the day: 


Bradley Fraley of the City of Watauga, Texas, which by the way is second most affordable place to live in the nation in 2008.


We spent over two weeks trying to resolve our sync issues with ISA 2000 and Exchange 2003. Robert fixed our problem for us in less than 30 minutes.

When I first looked at their site, I was skeptical, but it was without a doubt the best $$$ I spent having them help us. There is no way I would have ever found the solution on my own even though I myself have been in the business 15+ years and normally can resolve everything thrown my way.

Thanks for your help Robert, it was definitely worth it.

Do what Bradley did, Give us a call today!

We love the chance to speak with you and explain our process.  You will not regret making the call.

TECHNOKOZ guarantees a syncing iPhone. There is no upfront credit card information required!!!! A Simple FLAT RATE FEE of $175.00 after the iPhone is working.



Flat Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!



TechnoKOZ is the most affordable (FLAT RATE $175.00) iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ

…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!

… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync.


We have solved ALL iphone exchange sync issues to date! What a record! Yes, we have yet to get stumped. So what are you waiting for? Open an iphone support ticket today or contact us and have your problem solved.

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