Wow! iPhone & Exchange issues are still flowing in heavier than ever. The title of this post says it all. Our Fans are watching us. You know who you are!
By the way, have you visited the “discussion-less” Apple Support Forum lately. It is amazing to read some of the wild responses to iphone issues. Each person has a different perspective on what will resolve this iPhone & ActiveSync issue. Some have actually been customers of TechnoKOZ and now feel empowered to be iPhone & Exchange Experts. What is a Genius level?
Don’t hang around these ROOKIES.
Remember, none of these sites will guarantee a working iPhone and Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. We know you have spent more time on this issue than our FEE. So, relax, give us a call.
- TechnoKOZ – World Renowned Tier 1 iPhone 3G & Exchange support provider
- 480.440.4650
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