Best Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!

(pay after the phone and exchange are working)

  • Flat Rate $175.00
  • No Sync.. No payment
  • No advance payment.

Wow! First the Auto bailout! Now an iPhone Bailout with Walmart’s $99 iPhone!! Who would ever thunk that WalMart would save the businessman his wallet. Yes, Virginia, first GAS, next Autos, now iPhones???

Our Truman Story world that we are currently living in is getting stranger by the moment. Perhaps Circle K will be selling iPhone 3G’s in the not too distant future at $50.00 / per phone.

Remember, TechnoKOZ has been bailing out Microsoft & Apple iPhone sites with their ActiveSync problems. YES, we are a productivity business booster by our personalized service in ensuring your Exchange Server and iPhone setup is correct.

If your iPhone is not syncing to your Exchange server today, end the hunt for the RED OCTOBER.


Do you really believe that the government – banks guarantee our money? We don’t. But, the truth is we stand behind our work and have happy customers to prove this fact.

End your pain today. Call us today: 480.440.4650

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