TechnoKOZ solved more difficult iphone 3G Exchange 2003 Enterprise Setup issues for a large county government office in the Midwest.
Their IT Deparment read all of the same blogs you have been reading as well. They realized that they needed the EXPERTS to solve their 3G iPhone Active-Sync issues.
Here are some of the false pages they read:
1. Needing IMAP 143 / 993 open on the firewall (wrong)
2. Purchase a Versign SSL Certificate (self sign will work as well)
3. RPC/HTTP configuration (wrong – RPC/HTTP will improve your outlook PC communication, but not iPhone)
We look forward to speaking with you! Our process is simple:
1. Simple Webex session
2. We go over the configuration settings of your exchange server
3. Fix the issues
4. Ask for $175.00 flat rate payment for an iPhone Sync!!
5. We stand behind all of our work.
Please check out our reputation on LinkedIn you will notice that we are an establish firm with a lot of creditability.
Call us today: 480-440-4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
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