Palm Pre ActiveSync TechnoKOZ Setup Help11 Jun 2009
TechnoKOZ did it again, We are solving now Palm Pre activesync Echange setup issues.
If you are a new Palm Pre owner, you will notice that Sprint and Palm really don’t know much about the setup process to your Microsoft Exchange Server.
TechnoKOZ has been the LEADING provider of Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync setup on the Internet.
Our process is simple, allowing you time to enjoy your phone instead of reading all of these CRAZY blog posts.
1. We do not ask for any payment in advance.
2. We establish a simple WEBex session to determine the exchange setup issues.
3. We fix the exchange setup issues
4. You test your phone and see all of your email, contacts, etc.
5. We submit you a payment request of $175.00.
So what are you waiting for? How often has a IT provider offered REAL IT SERVICES without payment up front?
Give us a call today: 480-440-4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
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