Best Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!

(pay after the phone and exchange are working)

  • Flat Rate $175.00
  • No Sync.. No payment
  • No advance payment.

iPhone Exchange ActiveSync

Have an iPhone ActiveSync Party!

If you are typically a person who can solve 99.99% of the problems and you still cannot solve this one, We understand.  We have been there too.  But, think about your past, when was there a time where a company would solve your issues for a FLAT RATE…….and   Require no payment in advance.

We provide SERVICE WITH A SMILE to everyone of our customers.  Remember:

  1. We are easy to do business with:   We require no advance payment.
  2. We will fix your iPhone and Exchange Sync issue first, then ask for payment
  3. We work with you and you can see all of the changes
  4. There is no software to purchase
  5. All of the changes are of technical nature
  6. We have perform Front – End and Back – End Exchange configurations, as well as, SBS (Small Business Server), Standard, and Enterprise Exchange servers.
  7. We are very experienced and are very careful as well.  We take in account your existing software, such as BlackBerry Enterprise Servers and other Treo / Windows Mobile Devices

Give us a call today:  480.440.4650  // Skype:  TECHNOKOZ


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