Best Rate iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!

(pay after the phone and exchange are working)

  • Flat Rate $175.00
  • No Sync.. No payment
  • No advance payment.

Exchange SP2 install error code 0xC0070643 some more interesting errors to add to our already full bit bucket. This error code has to do with the wrong version of msxml.

You see, there are many say setting up an iPhone is a piece of cake. Yet, I ask them, why are there so many BLOG post on this Activesync issues. Sooner or later they too will feel the same pain you are setting up these Apple iPhone 3Gs to your corporate Exchange server.

By the way, we will be open again this weekend. Give us a call: 480-440-4650 // Skype: TECHNOKOZ

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