Apple-iPhone/704.11 5003 Dec 2009
Apple-iPhone/704.11 500 – I wish there was an easy answer!
Each day we receive praise in how we saved many iPhone users from their Exchange 2003/2007 setup frustrations. Yet, there is a large percentage that continues and continues to search for a GOOGLE answer to their Exchange Activesync issue(s).
Is this really good use of your time???
Google can be a useful tool. We have received calls where people change passwords to IIS Anonymous Accounts, Rename the domain, Reinstall IIS, etc., which in the end are all bad and will just frustrate and waste more time. So, some of this searching is good, but at some point you have to ask yourself, is this really good use of my time??? TechnoKOZ is all about saving you time and money. Yes, we are the Experts. And Yes, we ask for a simple fee AFTER we fix the iPhone sync issue.
Flat Rate $175 – iPhone Exchange Setup Solutions with a 100% money back guarantee!
TechnoKOZ is the most affordable iPhone Exchange Setup Experts found anywhere for enterprise, small business, and IT Repair companies. Give us a call today: 480.440.4650 / Skype: TECHNOKOZ
…and remember NO SYNC, no payment!
… Payment at the end of the call after a functioning iPhone & Exchange sync. [Keep your credit card in your pocket until after we fix the problem]
… End your sync pain today, TECHNOKOZ will deliver the results you are looking for.
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